
Installing Ubuntu 18.04 on Aspire ES 11 ES1-132-C6LG

20 mai 2018 | Catégories: ubuntu | View Comments

I tried to install Ubuntu 18.04 on a Aspire ES 11 ES1-132-C6LG and got troubles because I get the screen "No Bootable Device found" after installation. The first help I found on Google is this posts on but at step 3, the option "Select an UEFI file as trusted for executing" is unavailable so the proposed solution does not work for me.

Some comments on the same post shows that I am not alone with this problem:

Alex 2 months ago

I cannot “Select an UEFI file”… Maybe Windows 10 configured my BIOS to
reject any other drive (SSD) that has not Windows on it?

Tom 1 month ago

No, you need to install ubuntu without bootloader, mount the partitions
after the installation, modprobe efivars and then install grub-efi

After looking at what grub-uefi and modprobe mean, I found this discussion (April 2017, Ubuntu 17.04) and this discussion (Dec. 2016) on askubuntu and this discussion (Dec 2016) on community acer very close to my problem. In the end, the most simple (no need to modprobe anything or install grub-efi) and usefull one (it worked) was this discussion (Jan 2017) on community acer especially the two posts by Spektro37 (on page 1, the second on page 2) that I recopy and adapt a little bit below.

  1. Install Ubuntu;

  2. Boot using Ubuntu USB and select "Try without installing";

  3. Launch Gparted to get the EFI partition address. In my case it's /dev/mmcblk0p1;

  4. Open the Terminal (ctrl + alt + T);

  5. In the Terminal execute the following to create a directory in the media folder and to mount the EFI partition to that folder:

    sudo mkdir /media/EFI
    sudo mount {replace_this_with_the_address_from_step_3} /media/EFI

In my case it would look like:

sudo mkdir /media/EFI
sudo mount /dev/mmcblk0p1 /media/EFI
  1. Create the /EFI/Linux/ folder:

    sudo mkdir /media/EFI/EFI/Linux
  2. Copy all the existing files from the folder that was created during Ubuntu instalation. In my case, the default folder was /EFI/ubuntu/:

    sudo ls /media/EFI/EFI/ubuntu
    BOOTX64.CSV  fw  fwupx64.efi  grub.cfg  grubx64.efi  mmx64.efi  shimx64.efi

    To do so, you can use the following command:

    sudo cp -R /media/EFI/EFI/ubuntu/* /media/EFI/EFI/Linux/
  3. Copy the BOOTX64.EFI from the BOOT directory to the Linux folder (without it, I confirm it didn't work):

    sudo cp /media/EFI/EFI/BOOT/BOOTX64.EFI /media/EFI/EFI/Linux

According to Spectro37, /EFI/Linux/BOOTX64.efi is an hardcoded path for Linux.

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